How Chemotherapy Works: Simplified Explanation for Siliguri Patients

How Chemotherapy Works: Simplified Explanation for Siliguri Patients


Chemotherapy is an advanced technique to cure cancer. It destroys the cancerous cells by targeting them to kill them. However, the process can become dangerous. It destroys the nearby tissue which gives the symptoms of side effects. However, after the treatment the destroyed health cells are replaced by new cells. This removes the side effects completely. 

If you are diagnosed with Cancer and get chemotherapy as your recommended treatment, then you can consult a specialist for chemotherapy in Siliguri. Chemotherapy is not for all cancer. It is important that your cancer specialist has recommended you the said treatment. Sometimes a combination of treatments is also required if normal treatment is not able to treat the cancer. 

How Does Chemotherapy Work?

Chemotherapy is an advanced technique to cure cancer. Before you know how the technique works, you need to understand how cancer grows. Cancer cells are simply the mass of cells gathered together, forming tumors after their uncontrollable growth. Normal cells grow and divide when they need to and die following the natural cell death process. 

However, cancer cells are different. They don’t follow the normal growth level or death cycle. They are immune to death and multiply rapidly. In their growth, they invade other cells and destroy the surrounding tissue. 

Some tumors are non-cancerous while others are cancerous tumors that spread to other parts of the body. 

To fight against this, chemotherapy is one of many methods a specialist from the best cancer hospital in Siliguri or another city recommends. 

Once the drug for chemotherapy gets inside the body, it attacks the cancer cells from anywhere in the body and kills them. The process can be extreme as it also destroys the healthy cells nearby however the side effects are curable after the end of the treatment. 

Normally cells copy the genes and split apart at some point, making two cells. Chemotherapy attacks the control center that splits the cells into two and it also stops the chemical process it takes for the process of division. The drug also damages the cells when the genes are copied.

You might be wondering how chemotherapy is given to the patients. They are usually in the form of injection to the veins, through drip, or tablets. 

Intravenous chemotherapy is given directly into the veins through an attached tube to the fluid bag. 

Another one is oral chemotherapy which is in the form of capsules or tablets. How to take them depends on the instructions given by your healthcare provider. Whether you need to take it at home or the hospital, it is well told by the doctor. 

Another one is through injection which can be under the skin, into muscles, and the spine.

Side Effects

Now you know how chemotherapy helps kill the cancer cells and surrounding tissue, you must realize the number of side effects the patients face. These side effects can be:

  • Feeling tired and weak all the time
  • Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms
  • Mouth sores 
  • Change in taste and loss of appetite
  • Bone marrow suspension
  • Reduce the body's ability to fight infections.
  • Anaemia
  • Getting bruises easily
  • Memory issues and loss of concentration
  • Insomnia
  • Fertility issues
  • Emotional issues


Chemotherapy is a way to get relief from your cancer. Once you have consulted your specialist who recommended chemotherapy in Siliguri, it is best to do some research on the ways chemotherapy works. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells lose any connection with the proper work of the cell work process, losing their death or growth cycle. Chemotherapy helps by targeting these abnormally growing cells by killing them.

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