A Complete Guide to Skin Cancer

A Complete Guide to Skin Cancer


Skin cancer is caused by changes occurring in the growth of the skin cells mainly due to external factors such as exposure to UV rays. Normally a new skin cell will grow to replace your old cells which eventually die. In the case of skin cancer, new cells stop forming even after getting exposed to the sunlight.

If skin cancer is not diagnosed in the initial stage it can spread and damage the nearby tissues of the body. You can go to one of the best cancer specialists in Siliguri for an early diagnosis which can then get cured easily if you are suffering from an early stage of skin cancer.

Types of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is basically divided into three different types which are-

  • Squamous cell carcinoma- It is a type of skin cancer which occurs in your skin’s outer layer in the squamous cell.
  • Melanoma- This occurs in the melanocytes, which are mainly responsible for melanin production. Melanin is a pigment formed in your cells to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. This is a very dangerous type of skin cancer as it can easily spread and damage other parts of your body.
  • Basal cell carcinoma- This cancer occurs in the lower portion of your epidermis in the basal cells.

Some other variables of the skin cancer include- Merkel cell carcinoma, Kaposi sarcoma, sebaceous gland carcinoma and Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans


The most alerting symptom of skin cancer is the changes occurring in the skin such as the growth of a new mole in the skin. Some symptoms of the skin cancer are-

  • Appearance of a waxy and pearly bump on the ear, neck or face.
  • A flat brown or red coloured bump
  • Small areas appear like a scan of the skin
  • Wounds that stop healing or tend to occur repeatedly even after healing.
  • A scaly lesion which is rough in texture and might bleed or itch until it becomes crusty.  

Risk Factors

Anyone can suffer from skin cancer despite sex or race. However, it is seen to be occurring mostly in women who are 50 or younger and men who are older than 50 might suffer from cancer more commonly. You can do your research to find out top oncologists in Siliguri and go for a diagnosis if you notice some changes occurring in your skin. Some of the most important risk factors that can cause skin cancer are-

  • Continuous usage of the tanning beds.
  • Getting sunburned easily.
  • Family history of skin cancer
  • Taking certain medicines can fairly damage your immune system.
  • Spending a lot of your time playing or working directly under the sun.
  • Having a considerable number of moles which are irregularly shaped.
  • Freckles
  • Blue, hazel or green-eye


The diagnosis of skin cancer begins mostly with the dermatologist first accurately examining all your moles, skin spots and freckles. If they suspect that you might be suffering from skin cancer they will make undergo a test known as a biopsy by removing your tissue and sending the sample to a pathologist who will then examine that tissue under a microscope.


Treatment of skin cancer mainly depends on its type in some cases it can be cured by a biopsy if it’s limited only to a small surface of the skin. Some common types of skin cancer treatment include- Mohs surgery, chemotherapy, excisional surgery, immunotherapy and radiation therapy.

Skin cancer can be prevented if you remain careful and try to avoid spending your time under direct sunlight and not getting sunburns. Many cancer specialists in Siliguri can cure your skin cancer completely and you can get back to your normal life again. If you notice any changes occurring in your skin you must consult a doctor at the earliest.

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